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Tulip on plexiglass/ including standard/ 13,7 cm.
Frontside & Back glass painting
the Art of Wonder
Margareth Meulmeester is a Dutch artist. Since 2000 she has exhibited her work at home and abroad. Her back glass paintings are now spread across 18 countries. In the Netherlands you will find her work in, among others, the Singer shop of the Singer Laren museum and in the display cases of Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk. In the spring of 2023, HRH Maxima received a tulip brooch made by her. Large companies now also know where to find her, including Shell, for which she designed a number of unique artworks. She also designed the Tulip Awards, these are highly appreciated by 'The World Tulip Society', a global organization.
Back glass painting: Margareth Meulmeester paints with acrylic paint on transparent acrylic without thinking about the art that appears behind the acrylic. Due to her years of experience with this painting technique, there is plenty of room to let chance play a major role while working. This produces fairytale scenes, leaving much for the viewer to discover.
'It is not about what one can perceive with the eyes, but about what the eye of faith sees as beauty.'
Roomdivider: A back glass painting in a frame can be used as a dividing wall in interiors, among other things. ( yachts, buildings etc...)
Frontside & Back glass painting Roomdivider
Material: Acrylic paint on cast acrylic. Brand: Greencast, 100% recycled. The light transmittance of transparent acrylic is 92% and is 30 times stronger and 50% lighter than glass.
Show case Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk
Tulip Award / for Teylingers who have promoted Teylingen nationwide through their achievements January 2nd. 2020
New art work Butterflies/ acryl on plexiglass in different sizes
Order of the Tulip 2019 / The World Tulip Summit / November 2019
To see and for sail:
Galerie de Ruimte in Geldrop (Eindhoven)
Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin/ Noordwijk
Gallery House of Art/ Naarderstraat 23/ Laren\
Flowershops: Naturals/ Heereweg / Lisse
Delft Blue Tulips
Amsterdam Tulip Museum/ Prinsengracht 116
Amsterdam Tulip Museum open every day 10.00-18.00 h. Prinsengracht 116, Amsterdam
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